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So far admin has created 8 blog entries.

The Benefit of Emergency Locksmith Services in Colorado Springs

Being a 24 hour locksmith in Colorado Springs is always amusing. First of all, there’s no down time. Weekends off? Oh please. Holidays? That’s when it gets busy. One learns to take cat naps. One learns to keep the cell within quick reach when taking a shower. A 24 hour commercial and residential locksmith soon [...]

The Benefit of Emergency Locksmith Services in Colorado Springs2024-10-03T20:24:31+00:00

Do You Need New House Locks in Colorado Springs After a Move?

The market for real estate here in Southern Colorado remains very strong. Homes are selling very quickly. All new home buyers and renters in Colorado Springs and surrounding areas should think about how many keys for their new home might be floating around out there! Move-in-time is a good time to consider security. Take a [...]

Do You Need New House Locks in Colorado Springs After a Move?2024-10-03T20:31:33+00:00

Touchless Entry and Electric Door Lock Installation in Colorado Springs

A host of new products have suddenly come out in response to the need for touchless entry.  For commercial doors there are a variety of new products for pushing and pulling open doors with your foot (metal L-shaped plates at the base of the door), and also a variety of metal handles which allow for [...]

Touchless Entry and Electric Door Lock Installation in Colorado Springs2024-10-03T21:24:49+00:00

Commercial Lock Changes

Commercial Lock Changes in Colorado Springs What's actually involved in setting up keyless entry for most businesses in Colorado Springs?  Most businesses here have narrow stile aluminum front doors.  They commonly have a bolt (called an Adams Rite latch) with a keyed lock (called a mortice cylinder).  To switch from this keyed system to one [...]

Commercial Lock Changes2020-06-29T23:03:21+00:00

Why You Should Get a Mailbox Lock Replacement in Colorado Springs After Moving

Why You Should Change Your Mailbox Key After You Move For those whose home or apartment in El Paso or Teller county have keyed mailboxes, it's a very good idea to change out the lock and get a new key when moving in. Mailbox locks are not rekeyable, but the locks are very inexpensive, and [...]

Why You Should Get a Mailbox Lock Replacement in Colorado Springs After Moving2024-10-03T20:56:16+00:00

What Can A Residential Locksmith Do For Me?

What Can A Colorado Springs Residential Locksmith Do For Me? When you think about a locksmith, your mind might immediately drive to automobiles. Locksmiths have been helping people gain access to their vehicles for decades, and this is perhaps one of the more common tasks they complete. It is far from their only specialty, [...]

What Can A Residential Locksmith Do For Me?2020-06-29T23:03:50+00:00

Why You Should Change Your Locks After Moving Into Your New Home

Why You Should Change Your Locks After Moving Into Your New Colorado Springs Home At real estate closings in El Paso and Teller Counties, the new homeowner is given keys to the property, opening up a range of options for increased or decreased security, depending on the course of action. Over the last twenty five [...]

Why You Should Change Your Locks After Moving Into Your New Home2020-07-30T18:16:17+00:00